World of Warcraft Classic FAQ

Question: How do I get from Teldrassil to Stormwind?

Make your way to Darnassus. In Darnassus, there is a portal to Rut’herin Village. From there, you can either fly to Darkshore by taking the flight path on the dock to your left. Or you can catch the boat to Darkshore. The boat arrives at the dock to your right. Once there, if you’ve taken the boat, you can run straight to the opposite side of the dock to take the boat to Menethil Harbor. From Menethil Harbor, you will have to journey to Ironforge. Once in Ironforge, you can take the Tram directly to Stormwind City.

Question: What’s the best race to level a priest?

Alliance - Dwarf > Human > Night Elf
Horde - Undead > Troll

Dwarven priests in Classic WoW offer the best race/class combo for raiding and PvP because they have Fear Ward and Stoneform. Undead Priests have Devouring Plague and Cannibalism, which makes them the best priest for PvP. Our favorite priest guide for leveling comes from Icy-Veins.

Question: How do I make gold in WoW Classic?

Question: When can my druid start shapeshifting?

Bear Form - Quest at level 10
Cat Form - Train at Level 20
Travel Form - Train at Level 30
Wowhead has an excellent Druid leveling guide for Classic WoW.

Question: What level do we get our first mount?

You can train for riding mounts at level 40, then faster mount riding at 60.

Question: Is there flying in World of Warcraft Classic?


 Question: Can I change my UI in Classic WoW?

If you don’t like the Classic WoW UI, Tukui’s Elvui and Tukui are excellent, customizable UIs.